Tuesday 2 December 2014

Deja-vu for voters as French politics 'steps back in time

French President Francois Hollande is the 'most unpopular French president in modern history' (REUTERS/Christian Hartmann)
French President Francois Hollande is the 'most unpopular French president in modern history' (REUTERS/Christian Hartmann)
French politics stepped back in time last night, with the next presidential election shaping up between ousted former president Nicolas Sarkozy and the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the former leader of the anti-immigrant Front National.

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The election of Mr Sarkozy as leader of his conservative opposition party on Saturday was followed yesterday by confirmation of Marine Le Pen as leader of the Front. Neither leader has publicly declared that they are eyeing the Elysee, but few doubt they will join the race to replace the incumbent Socialist leader Francois Hollande, the most unpopular French president in modern history.
Pollsters were already predicting a virtual rerun of the 2002 election, when France's traditional Left-Right split was overturned. (© Daily Telegraph, London)

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