Tuesday 9 December 2014

ISIS mass beheading video took up to six HOURS to film and cost $200,000: Forensic analysis of Syrian soldier murders reveals clues that could help nail Jijadi john

Fresh details have emerged about last month's sickening filmed beheading of 22 Syrian soldiers by a group of international killers fighting for the Islamic State.
Operational details, such as the expense of the professionally produced and edited footage, how long the film took to shoot, and exactly where it was filmed were uncovered by British and American researchers who spent weeks extracting clues from the 16-minute long video clip.
The propaganda video, titled 'Though the Unbelievers Despise It', was known to have been filmed in the religiously symbolic town of Dabiq in North West Syria, and also showed the severed head of captive American aid worker Peter Kassig, who was apparently murdered off screen.
However, experts from TRAC (Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium) and UK-based counter-extremism think tank Quilliam believe they have now pinpointed they exact stretch of desert in which the savage murders took place.
They also raise a number of questions about why non-speaking militants are seen wearing microphones, why some militants are filmed at the start of the video but not later, and bring to light new evidence suggesting ISIS' killer-in-chief 'Jihadi John' may have been played by a body double.
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Investment in terror: Experts believe the 16-minute long video would have cost ISIS approximately $200,000 to produce, such was the sophistication of the editing equipment required and the quality of the multiple HD cameras needed to produce such a slick and professional piece of propaganda
Investment in terror: Experts believe the 16-minute long video would have cost ISIS approximately $200,000 to produce, such was the sophistication of the editing equipment required and the quality of the multiple HD cameras needed to produce such a slick and professional piece of propaganda

Horror: New evidence suggests ISIS' killer-in-chief 'Jihadi John' may have been played by a body double
How the video was shot 
According to joint research carried out by TRAC and Quilliam and published by CNN, events leading to ISIS' horrific beheading of 22 Syrian soldiers were filmed over a four to six hour period.
Close analysis of shadows and the direction of sunlight suggests that scenes that appear to have been shot without pause were in fact broken up and filmed over a number of hours.
This is likely to have been in order to re-shoot scenes if, for example, one of the murderers made a mistake in the heavily choreographed sequences captured before the murders actually take place.
The experts believe the 16-minute long video would have cost ISIS approximately $200,000 to produce, such was the sophistication of the editing equipment required and the quality of the multiple HD cameras needed to produce such a slick and professional piece of propaganda.
Despite the money spent, basic continuity errors have crept into the film - including militants and prisoners standing in a different order in apparently successive scenes.
The frame-by-frame analysis also revealed several moments where ISIS militants are seen in the background of the clip standing around and talking - apparently killing time before being called to take part in group filming. 
Belgian: Although friends and neighbours say this man is Abdelmajid Gharmaoui - a 28-year-old notorious Belgian Muslim extremist from the town of Vilvoorde - his identity has not been formally confirmed 
Belgian: Although friends and neighbours say this man is Abdelmajid Gharmaoui - a 28-year-old notorious Belgian Muslim extremist from the town of Vilvoorde - his identity has not been formally confirmed 
Mystery: In fact the mayor of Vilvorde, the town where Gharmaoui lived before travelling to Syria in 2012, said Gharmaoui 'is not at all in the video', adding that claims to the contrary are 'completely wrong' 
Mystery: In fact the mayor of Vilvorde, the town where Gharmaoui lived before travelling to Syria in 2012, said Gharmaoui 'is not at all in the video', adding that claims to the contrary are 'completely wrong' 
Mystery still surrounds identity of killers 
Other than the killer known only as Jihadi John, all of the ISIS militants who appear in the murder video are seen with their faces uncovered, making no attempt whatsoever to conceal their identity.
Despite this, only one of the terrorists featured has been formally identified - 22-year-old Frenchman Maxime Hauchard, who friends described as a mild-mannered former Catholic who used to sell scooter parts in Normandy until his conversion to Islam at the age of 17.
Although the names of a second Frenchman, Michael Dos Santos, and Belgian national Abdelmajid Gharmaoui have been put forward as other suspected executioners, official confirmation has not been given by either government. 
In fact the mayor of Vilvorde, the town where Gharmaoui lived before travelling to Syria in 2012, said Gharmaoui 'is not at all in the video', adding that claims to the contrary are 'completely wrong'.
'We don't recognise anyone from Vilvoorde in it,' Hans Bonte said. 'I can be sure 99 per cent that no-one from Vilvoorde is in it,' he added.
Another name put forward as a suspect was Cardiff medical student turned Islamic State militant Nasser Muthana, 20. However video experts ruled that although the man in the clip resembles Muthana, there are subtle facial differences that suggest they are not the same person. 
Meanwhile Kurdish sources familiar with the movement of ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq also identified one of the men as a Filipino national.
Since the release of the footage, analysts from Britain, France, Germany, the U.S., the Middle East, Asia, Australia and New Zealand have been poring over the footage to try and put names to faces. 
Unconfirmed: Although the name of a second Frenchman, Michael Dos Santos, have been put forward for this Islamic State executioner, official confirmation has not been given by the French government
Unconfirmed: Although the name of a second Frenchman, Michael Dos Santos, have been put forward for this Islamic State executioner, official confirmation has not been given by the French government
Callous: Kurdish sources familiar with the movement of ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq identified this unnamed killer from the latest ISIS beheading video as a Filipino national
Was Jihadi John played by a body double? 
Within minutes of the Syrian soldier murder video being released, experts began questioning whether the 'Jihadi John' who appears in the footage is the same person as the militant who savagely cut off the head of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning.
These questions were largely raised by reports that the militant had been seriously injured or perhaps even killed by an American airstrike only days before the footage was shot.
Viewers pointed to the fact the militant looked slightly shorter than in other beheading videos, and appeared to have put on weight - leaving him with a slight paunch that was not previously visible.
However TRAC and Quilliam's research has suggested another clue backing up the claims that more than one person may be 'playing' the role of Jihadi John .
In one split-second scene, the experts have identified a second man wearing Jihadi John's distinctive black mask and matching uniform standing in the background of a sequence in which ISIS' executioner in chief is also clearly pictured.
One theory is that, with the terror group's leadership the prime target for American-led coalition drone and airstrikes, several men may be pretending to be the militant in the hope of creating a few moments of confusion that could help save the real Jihadi John's life. 
In the sickening video a group of Syrian soldiers are marched to their execution site by Islamic State militants
In the sickening video a group of Syrian soldiers are marched to their execution site by Islamic State militants
Where the murders took place: The location of the killings has been confirmed as a desert road in northern Dabiq that was previously identified in this image from activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently
Where the murders took place: The location of the killings has been confirmed as a desert road in northern Dabiq that was previously identified in this image from activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently
Location of video identified as desert road in northern Dabiq 
The Syrian soldier murder video titled 'Though the Unbelievers Despise It' was released through official Islamic State media tagged with a note claiming the video was shot in the town of Dabiq.
Now the exact location has been confirmed as the same stretch of desert running parallel to a road in the north of the town that had previously been identified as the location by anti-ISIS activist group Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently.
The resistance group produced a map to show the location in the northern suburbs of the small but highly symbolic Syrian town of Dabiq, north of Aleppo. 
The terror group's de facto capital is Raqqa, where previous filmed murders featuring the militant known as 'Jihadi John' are understood to have been filmed. 


The ISIS video featuring the brutal filmed murder of Syrian soldiers was shot in Dabiq - an area of increasing symbolic importance to Islamic State terrorists.
As well as naming their English-language propaganda magazine after the small desert village, a 1,300 year old prophecy predicting Dabiq as the location of an apocalyptic battle between Muslims and an 'infidel horde' is understood to be fueling the warped imaginations of the fanatics.
The town, which is in Aleppo province, was captured from the Free Syrian Army in August and prompted streams of highly romanticized propaganda in which ISIS militants identified it as the first step towards ushering in the Apocalypse.
A key feature of this prophecy involves attracting the 'infidel horde' into Dabiq for a huge ground battle. 
ISIS has even named its official magazine, which reinforces its extremist views, 'Dabiq'
Islamic State fighters are said to have drawn on the prophecy even more so since conquering Dabiq in August. They have even named their official magazine after it
ISIS has even named its official magazine, which reinforces its extremist views, 'Dabiq' (two editions above)
It is notable that in the latest sickening video, the militant known as Jihadi John is now urging Britain and America to send their troops to fight in Syria, rather than to leave the Islamic State alone as he had done in previous videos.
'Here we are - burying the first American crusader in Dabiq... Eagerly waiting for the remainder of your armies to arrive,' he says.
The 1,300-year-old hadith, which is a report of the deeds, teachings and sayings of the Prophet Mohammed, refers to the 'horde' flying 80 banners as they take on a Muslim army in the Syrian town of Dabiq.
It warns of a 'malahim' - the equivalent to Armageddon in Christian teachings – in which the Muslims ultimately prevail.
ISIS supporters on social media have started comparing recent developments in Syria to the prophecy amid warnings the 'malahim' is coming.
Islamic State fighters are said to have drawn on the prophecy even more so since conquering Dabiq in August and the town's name has become a byword for the struggle against the West.
The terrorist group has even named its official magazine 'Dabiq', in which it pushes its extremist views and reports victories.
Supporters appear to be convinced of the prophecy's validity, with one writing on Twitter: 'Dabiq will happen for certain... The U.S. and its allies will descend on Syria once they see that the air campaign has failed. That is a promise by God and his Messenger.'
Another, from Tunisia, wrote. 'The lions of Islam have raised the banner of the Caliphate in Dabiq. Now they await the arrival of the Crusader army.'
Shadi Hamid, a fellow at the Brookings Institute, said the hadith is heavily relied upon by ISIS because it 'raises morale'.
He said: 'It is fair to assume that the vast majority of (ISIS) fighters believe in this type of talk.'

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