Wednesday 3 December 2014

It's so big that it has to be supported on two tripods and fires ammunition that's three times the size of standard rifle ammo.
An Isis terrorist has been photographed aiming a 10-foot long sniper rifle out of a flat window in Kobane.
The fearsome weapon fires 23mm calibre bullets, far larger than the standard size.
Fearsome: An Isis terrorist has been photographed aiming a 10-foot long sniper rifle out of a flat window in Kobane
Fearsome: An Isis terrorist has been photographed aiming a 10-foot long sniper rifle out of a flat window in Kobane
Gigantic: This picture shows a row of 23mm bullets - the same size as those fired by the 10-foot rifle
Gigantic: This picture shows a row of 23mm bullets - the same size as those fired by the 10-foot rifle
Huge casings from the bullets can be seen on the floor next to the gunman.What sort of effect this gun would have remains open to debate, however, according to firearms expert David Dyson.
He told MailOnline: 'The problem with identifying the effect of this gun is firstly that we don't know for sure what the calibre is, although there wouldn't be a lot of point in building something like this if it wasn't of a significant calibre. Secondly, and probably of more importance, we don't know how well it is made: is the barrel accurately machined and rifled? 
'The effect will also depend on the type of ammunition used. These rounds exist [23mm] fitted with high explosive incendiary or armour piercing incendiary projectiles.They will be effective against personnel and vehicles including lightly armoured ones.'
The picture emerged after a show of force from al Qaeda's Nusra Front, a rival group. They toured in a convoy around villages they said they had captured from Syrian rebels. 
Dozens of pick-up trucks bristling with anti-aircraft guns and men armed with heavy machine guns drove through settlements in the southern countryside of Idlib. 
Members of al Qaeda's Nusra Front drive in a convoy as they tour villages they said they had seized control of from Syrian rebel factions
Members of al Qaeda's Nusra Front drive in a convoy as they tour villages they said they had seized control of from Syrian rebel factions
Dozens of pick-up trucks bristling with anti-aircraft guns and men armed with heavy machine guns drove through settlements in the southern countryside of Idlib
Dozens of pick-up trucks bristling with anti-aircraft guns and men armed with heavy machine guns drove through settlements in the southern countryside of Idlib
Battle-hardened: Nusra Front fighters stream along a Syrian road
Battle-hardened: Nusra Front fighters stream along a Syrian road
Isis was formed by a merger of the Nusra Front and Al Qaeda in Iraq in 2013
Isis was formed by a merger of the Nusra Front and Al Qaeda in Iraq in 2013
Some Nusra Front (pictured) fighters are opposed to the extreme brutality of Isis
Some Nusra Front (pictured) fighters are opposed to the extreme brutality of Isis
Isis was formed by a merger of the Nusra Front and Al Qaeda in Iraq in 2013, but many in the former group rejected the move. By March 2014 over 3,000 fighters had been killed in clashes between the two sides.
Meanwhile, video journalist Jake Simkin has offered a rare glimpse inside Kobane's last remaining field hospital.
Most of Kobane's hospitals and clinics now lie in ruins. Only one is still working - but its location is kept secret for fear it could be targeted by the militants.
Inside the tiny field clinic, saving lives and dealing with horrifying wounds of war comes first, and concerns such as keeping operating rooms sterile and cleaning up after surgery are on the back burner.
Dr. Mohammed Arif helps to deal with a wounded patient at a field hospital in Kobane
Dr. Mohammed Arif helps to deal with a wounded patient at a field hospital in Kobane
A Kurdish fighter receives medical attention for a bullet just grazing his temple at a field hospital in Kobane
A Kurdish fighter receives medical attention for a bullet just grazing his temple at a field hospital in Kobane
Wound: The Kurdish fighter being treated for a bullet graze winches in pain as doctors work on him
Wound: The Kurdish fighter being treated for a bullet graze winches in pain as doctors work on him
Most of Kobane's hospitals and clinics now lie in ruins. Pictured is the aftermath of a truck bomb
Most of Kobane's hospitals and clinics now lie in ruins. Pictured is the aftermath of a truck bomb
This  photo clearly shows the devastation wrought on Kobane by the war with Isis
This photo clearly shows the devastation wrought on Kobane by the war with Isis
Helped by more than 270 airstrikes from a U.S.-led coalition and an American airdrop of weapons, the fighters in Kobane (pictured) have succeeded in halting the militants' advance
Helped by more than 270 airstrikes from a U.S.-led coalition and an American airdrop of weapons, the fighters in Kobane (pictured) have succeeded in halting the militants' advance
Blood is splattered across most of the beds and floors, and a small team of only three doctors and five nurses are providing the only remaining medical services in the town. They are sometimes forced to operate by torchlight since power generators regularly fail.
They treat a seemingly unending flood of wounded Kurdish fighters and members of the Free Syrian Army, just meters (yards) away from the front lines.
The Spartan clinic only has the very basic equipment and regularly runs out of supplies. Those with more critical wounds must make a mad dash for the border with Turkey, and wait there for a transport to a better hospital in the neighboring country.
But losing precious time in the perilous journey often diminishes their chances for survival.
'If we had a mobile operating unit, we wouldn't have to leave our wounded at the Turkish border to wait for six or 10 hours where they sometimes die,' said Mohammed Aref, a doctor at the Kobane clinic.
Simkin's reports have revealed just how destructive the battle for Kobane has been.
The Kurdish fighters of Kobane, backed by a small number of Iraqi peshmerga forces and Syrian rebels, are locked in what they say is a fight to the end against the Islamic State group, which swept into the town in mid-September. The militants' advance was part of a summer blitz after the Islamic State group overran large parts of Syria and neighboring Iraq.
Kobane, which once had a population of about 50,000, has seen some of the fiercest urban warfare in Syria's civil war, now in its fourth year, and has paid a heavy price for battling the Islamic State extremists.
Aref and the others at the Kobane clinic say the immobility of their facility slows them down, since they cannot venture far outside and treat the wounded at the scene - as paramedics and mobile doctors elsewhere do in combat situations.
The Kurds' defence of Kobane (pictured) has been aided by Coalition air strikes
Still, Aref is dedicated to saving Kobane's wounded as best he can and dreams of someday rebuilding the town clinics and working in a safe operating theater.
Helped by more than 270 airstrikes from a U.S.-led coalition and an American airdrop of weapons, the fighters in Kobane have succeeded in halting the militants' advance and believe that a corner has been turned.
But the fight against the Islamic State is not slowing down.
'We know that the number (of wounded) will increase and more injured will come so we have to be ready,' said Aref. 'The most important thing for us is having an operating room.'
In a previous report Simkin spoke to a teenage girl who's fighting Isis in Kobane with her father.
Pervin Kobani is part of a team holding an eastern front-line position that comes under regular attack from the extremist fighters.
Three weeks ago, Pervin bumped into her father on a street corner. 
She was surprised to see him holding a gun. She didn't know that he too had decided to fight. Her mother is a refugee in Turkey, her only brother studying in Algeria. 
'Honestly when I heard my father is fighting on the western front with the YPG I was so proud of him, and it made me want to fight more,' she said.
Determined: PervinĀ is part of a team holding an eastern front-line position that comes under regular attack from the extremist fighters
Determined: Pervin is part of a team holding an eastern front-line position that comes under regular attack from the extremist fighters
Fighting family: Pervin Kobani (right), who's fighting Isis in Kobane, hugs her father, who's doing the same
Fighting family: Pervin Kobani (right), who's fighting Isis in Kobane, hugs her father, who's doing the same
Her father, Farouk Kobane, joined the town's defenders in mid-September, when IS, also known as Isis, launched their attack. He was delighted to see his daughter that day three weeks ago, after months without news.
Last week, Simkin traveled with Pervin to the western front, to see her father once again.
She says he is now her comrade first - but she hugs him like a father anyway

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