Friday 16 January 2015

US blogger Perez Hilton branded 'Britain's most hated man' after just 10 days in the Celebrity Big Brother house: Fans complain to Ofcom after he brands one housemate 'cancer' and tells two others to turn lesbian to win votes

American gossip blogger Perez Hilton has been dubbed 'the most hated man in Britain' by Celebrity Big Brother viewers who want him kicked off the show after a string of vicious spats with other stars.
Hilton - who is openly gay - has built a reputation on publishing cruel stories about celebrities and effectively forcing a number of stars to come out of the closet by posting about their sexuality.
Now he has chosen co-stars as his latest targets - comparing Ken Morley to cancer, wrongly accusing Patsy Kensit of a racial slur and telling two others to try 'pretend lesbianism' to win votes.
His behaviour has sparked an online backlash from offended fans and media watchdog Ofcom is considering an official probe into the Channel 5 show after a number of complaints.
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Perez Hilton
Attention-seeking: Blogger Perez Hilton, pictured, has sparked outrage among housemates and fans of the Channel 5 show. Viewers are now calling for Hilton to be ejected from the house, branding him 'offensive'
Gossip: Perez Hilton whispers in the ear of tattoo model Cami Li during last night's episode. As part of the task, he could tell housemates what to do - sparking the latest string of arguments with his co-stars
Gossip: Perez Hilton whispers in the ear of tattoo model Cami Li during last night's episode. As part of the task, he could tell housemates what to do - sparking the latest string of arguments with his co-stars
Perez Hilton in 2008
Perez Hilton in 2008
Outspoken: Perez Hilton (pictured left and right in 2008) made a name for himself publishing vicious and mean-spirited coverage of the rich and famous on his self-titled blog,
His controversial antics have also made him the bookies' favourite to be removed from the show, with William Hill offering odds of 8/1 that he will be kicked out. 
Hilton, who was born Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr., has made a name for himself publishing vicious coverage on his self-titled blog, 
The blogger is known for coining unflattering nicknames for the stars - he referred to actress Jennifer Aniston as 'Maniston' - and taking pleasure from their misfortunes and scandals.
In several high profile cases, Hilton—who is openly gay—outed celebrities by constantly posting about their sexuality, essentially forcing them to come out of the closet. 
But the single father-of-one, whose son was born via a surrogate in 2013, appears unconcerned at the negative publicity, admitting before he entered the house that he didn't have a lot of 'likeability'. 
And now he appears to have turned his eye for drama and gossip to his celebrity housemates, prompting a spate of foul-mouthed spats that have left viewers pushing for his departure.
Backlash: Viewers have taken to Twitter to express their dislike for Perez Hilton. Lee McVeigh's tweet refers to the ongoing feud between the blogger and columnist Katie Hopkins, dubbed 'Britain's most hated woman'
Backlash: Viewers have taken to Twitter to express their dislike for Perez Hilton. Lee McVeigh's tweet refers to the ongoing feud between the blogger and columnist Katie Hopkins, dubbed 'Britain's most hated woman'
The latest drama erupted on Wednesday night when Hilton suggested that two of his female housemates fake a lesbian affair in order to gain more time on screen. 
The comment was branded 'degrading' by one of the women involved, tattoo model Cami Li, while viewers took to Twitter to express their disgust. 


Viewers complained to TV watchdog Ofcom after Perez Hilton suggested two of his housemates try 'pretend lesbianism' in order to gain more time in front of the camera. The comment sparked a row in the house, with co-stars calling it 'degrading'.  
The day before, fans of the reality TV show took to Twitter to express their disgust when Hilton compared former Coronation Street actor Ken Morley to 'cancer' upon his removal from the house.
The comment prompted Coronation Street actor Les Denis to call for Perez to be disciplined, branding the comment 'inappropriate'. 
Last night Hilton started an impromptu song about housemate Katie Hopkins being 'Britain's most hated woman'.
In a show of dislike, Twitter users branded Hilton as being more hated than Hopkins, while housemate Michelle Visage called him 'obnoxious'. 
The celebrity blogger started a race row when he wrongly accused Patsy Kensit of making a racial slur when she spoke about wanting to visit Alexander O'Neal in Los Angeles. 
Hilton was reduced to tears after a vicious spat with Hopkins in which he grilled her over her decision to have sex with a married man, who later became her husband. 
Meanwhile, media watchdog Ofcom reportedly received 16 complaints over the incident - with five relating to Hilton's use of the phrase 'pretend lesbianism'. 
The watchdog said it will assess the complaints before deciding whether to launch an investigation. 
The day before, fans of the reality TV show took to Twitter to express their disgust when Hilton compared former Coronation Street actor Ken Morley to 'cancer' upon his removal from the house.
Television personality Ken was removed by Big Brother on Monday following a formal warning about the use of the word 'n***o' when talking to Housemate Alexander O'Neal.
It was followed by a second use with reference to boxer Frank Bruno on Monday morning.
Morley also made offensive comments about nationality and descent when talking to Patsy Kensit, as well as sexist comments about females Cami Li and Chloe Goodman.
When Morley left on Tuesday, Hilton broke down in tears of relief, saying 'I feel like a weight has been lifted off the house, I feel like we're cancer free now.'
The comment sparked outrage from viewers, who said it was 'insulting' to cancer sufferers. 
Coronation Street actor Les Dennis tweeted: 'Happy Perez is great television? This man is deluded. He should be disciplined about his cancer comment. So inappropriate.' 
Other viewers flocked to slam Perez, with one writing: '3 minutes into #CBB and Perez is already annoying me. Don't compare a person being evicted to being "cancer free" idiot.' 
Another added: 'Comments that Perez makes in tonight's show about being cancer free after BB got rid of Ken are absolutely disgusting! He's a disgrace.' 
The controversy came after Hilton suggested on Monday night's episode that Patsy Kensit may have made a racially offensive comment. 
Perez Hilton in 2007
Perez Hilton in 2007
Critisim: One Twitter user said they would stop watching the show if Perez (pictured left and right in 2007) was not removed, while another pointed out that he was mistaken to think that the British public 'loved' him
Defiant: The father-of-one, whose son (pictured) was born via a surrogate in 2013, appears unconcerned at the negative publicity, admitting before he entered the house that he didn't have a lot of 'likeability'
Defiant: The father-of-one, whose son (pictured) was born via a surrogate in 2013, appears unconcerned at the negative publicity, admitting before he entered the house that he didn't have a lot of 'likeability'
During a conversation about crooner Alexander O'Neal, Patsy said she loved him and would like him to take her to Crenshaw in Los Angeles.


1. Grace Adams-Scott, series 7, became unpopular after constantly talking about fellow housemates behind their backs.
2. Charley Uchea, series 8, won over few fans with her bragging and confrontational nature
3. Lee Ryan, CBB 2014, was bombarded with death threats on his eviction thanks to his indecisiveness when it came to choosing between two fellow housemates
4. Dexter Koh, series 14, tried his best to scheme and play other housemates against each other
5. Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag, CBB 2013, are perhaps the most hated reality TV couple in history, and failed to win over Channel 5 viewers
6. Makosi Musambasi, series 6, saw her initial popularity plummet after she claimed to be pregnant following a romp in the pool
7. George Galloway, CBB 2006, not many can forget the sight of George Galloway licking milk out of the lap of actress Rula Lenska pretending to be a cat, but many would like to
8. Pete Burns, CBB 2006, got into an argument with pretty much every one of his housemates during his stint in the show
9. Angelique 'Frenchy' Morgan, CBB 2014, exploded and cut up Leslie Jordan's rather expensive underwear
10. Nick 'Nasty Nick' Bateman, series 1, the original Big Brother villain 
But Perez interjected and explained that some people may find her comments offensive as it suggests that Alexander can take her 'to the hood'. 
However, Patsy maintains that her comments stem from an earlier conversation with Alexander and her love of hip-hop music. 
Now fans of the show appear to have had enough of Perez's behaviour and are calling for him to be evicted from the house. 
A Twitter account @getperezout has been opened and the hashtag #getperezout has been retweeted hundreds of times. 
One user threatened to stop watching the show if Perez was not booted out, while another pointed out that the blogger was mistaken to think that the British public 'loved' him.
Meanwhile, a number of Twitter users have pointed out that his actions are just as offensive as those that led to Ken Morley being removed from the house. 
The tension caused by Hilton's actions will come as no surprise to followers of his blog, which has been widely criticised by A-listers over its mean-spirited posts.
His blog, which also claimed that Michael Jackson's death in 2009 was a hoax, has faced a number of lawsuits and online attacks by celebrities. 
He is also known for having personal 'vendettas' against celebrities, including Disney Channel star Vanessa Hudgens and Gossip Girl actress Taylor Momsen. 
Perez faced a barrage of criticism in 2010 after he posted a link to an explicit picture alleged to have been taken of singer Miley Cyrus without any underwear. 
While he claims to use his notoriety to condemn cruelness and bullying about a person's sexuality, as several media sites are quick to point out, Hilton makes his living doing that exact thing. 
Outrage: The blogger's constant antics and disruptive nature have led viewers to take to Twitter
Outrage: The blogger's constant antics and disruptive nature have led viewers to take to Twitter


Internet sensation: Perez (pictured 2008) has been hit by a number of high-profile controversies 
Internet sensation: Perez (pictured 2008) has been hit by a number of high-profile controversies 
1. Hilton served as a judge for the Miss USA 2009 pageant. During the Q&A portion of the contest, Hilton asked Miss California whether she believed every state should legalize same-sex marriage.
She responded that she believes marriage is between a man and a woman due to her religion.
After the pageant, Hilton posted a video blog on his website, where he called Prejean a "dumb b****" and said her answer was the worst in pageant history.
Several politicians and commentators, including gay rights activists, condemned both Hilton and Prejean for making bigoted comments. 
2. When Michael Jackson died in 2009, Perez took to his blog to declare his cardiac arrest a publicity stunt. 
In a post that has since been removed from see below, Hilton said he found the heart attack 'dubious,' said that Jackson had pulled similar stunts before. 
The comments prompted a Twitter backlash.
3.  Perez faced a barrage of criticism in 2010 after he posted a link to an explicit picture alleged to have been taken of singer Miley Cyrus without any underwear.
As the pop star was underage at the time, there were questions raised as to whether or not child pornography charges could be brought. 
4. In February 2014, after Hilton criticised Ariana Grande's hairstyles, Grande's fans posted negative comments to Hilton's social media, including threats against his young son. 
Hilton then tweeted Grande, her brother Frankie and her employer with accusations that Grande had been seen using cocaine at a party. Grande denied the allegations. 
He demanded that Grande speak out against her fans' comments. Grande eventually tweeted to her fans: '...please don't wish negativity upon any1.' 
5. The friendship between Lady Gaga and Perez Hilton deteriorated into a feud. Gaga claimed that he was 'stalking her', while he posted repeatedly on the lack of success of one of her singles. 

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