Saturday 14 March 2015

5 Facts About Justin Bieber’s Horrible Father Jeremy

Lest you think Justin Bieber’s mother Pattie Mallette is the only parent who’s failed him, allow me to introduce you to his father Jeremy Bieber. Jeremy’s made a big comeback in the headlines lately because he’s been hanging out with Justin during his current downward spiral. You know what they say. The family that hot-boxes a plane and harasses a flight attendant together stays together. Last week Justin called his dad his “superhero” on Instagram. Lovely.
Since Jeremy is really pushing for that Worst Father Ever award, you might as well learn a little about him. So here are five facts about Jeremy Jack Bieber, also known as the loins from which Justin Bieber was created. Should we nickname him Frankenstein? He did create a monster, after all.
1. He and Pattie split up when Justin was ten months years old.
Pattie got pregnant at age 17 and tried to maintain a relationship with Jeremy, but she ended up raising Justin as a single mother in Stratford, Ontario. Justin told Seventeen magazine in 2010 that he still had “a great relationship” with his dad:
“When I was younger, he taught me how to play some songs on the guitar, like ‘Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door’ by Bob Dylan.”
He also taught him to drive. And possibly to drive under the influence?
2. His nickname LordRauhl inspired Justin Bieber’s YouTube name.
Bieber’s dad calls himself LordRauhl, which is based on the character Lord Rahl in Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series. Not sure where that extra U came from. Justin’s username on YouTube, where he got his start, was kidrauhl. So from the very start Bieber was trying to be a mini Jeremy. You’ll see why that’s not such a good thing.
3. He has two kids from another relationship.
Jeremy is married to Erin Bieber, with whom he has two kids, a daughter named Jazmyn (lovely spelling) and a son named Jaxon. He really likes making Jaxon cry on his birthday, as seen in the video below. He also seems to enjoy partying with his famous kid instead of spending time with his small children.
4. He and Justin have matching tattoos.
Jeremy and Justin got matching tattoos of the Hebrew word “Yeshua,” meaning Jesus, in Israel in 2011. They even have it in the same spot — the left side of the torso. That tatoo was done when Bieber was 17, by the way, and it was already his third.
5. He’s reportedly been arrested for assault… twice.
Radar Online reports that according to Canadian court records, Jeremy has been arrested for assault more than once and even been sentenced to jail. The first incident was in 1997, when he was reportedly arrested for “assault or causing bodily harm” and sentenced to 90 days in jail with two years of probation and was banned from using firearms for ten years. He was then sentenced to more time in 1999 for failing to comply with the probation. And in 2002 he was reportedly arrested for assault again, this time “with a weapon causing bodily harm.” That was dismissed in 2004.
But Radar also reports that Jeremy has “a long history of criminal activity,” and was accused by Pattie in a 1995 custody hearing of threatening to kidnap Justin. What a wonderful influence.

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