Sunday 10 May 2015

Hate mob in No.10 rampage: Hard Left's shame as rioters attack police and deface WWII memorial as socialists lay siege to Downing Street

Hard-left activists desecrated a war memorial to the gallant sacrifice of women who served during the Second World War as anarchists objecting to Thursday's election result protested outside Downing Street.
A mindless thug daubed 'F*** Tory Scum' in red paint on the memorial in a sickening display of contempt on the 70th anniversary weekend of VE Day. 
The Royal British Legion today condemned the vandalism brandishing it as a 'senseless act'. 
The Metropolitan Police confirmed they are investigating the vandalism which formed part of the un-authorised protest which left two police officers requiring hospital treatment.
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Hard-left thugs desecrated a memorial to the women of the Second World War who were vital to Britain's efforts of defeating the Nazis
Officers tried to hold back the large group of protesters as they tried to push their way through the large police cordon on Downing Street
Officers tried to hold back the large group of protesters as they tried to push their way through the large police cordon on Downing Street
The Metropolitan Police said 17 people have been arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and assault as well public order offences
The Metropolitan Police said 17 people have been arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and assault as well public order offences
Some of the protesters wore masks and balaclavas in a bid to hide their identity from police officers attempting to keep the peace
Some of the protesters wore masks and balaclavas in a bid to hide their identity from police officers attempting to keep the peace
Police arrested 15 people at the scene on suspicion of offences ranging from assault on a police officer, violent disorder and under the 1986 public order act. All but one of those arrested, which police originally said totalled 17, have been bailed.
Scotland Yard said 12 people were held on suspicion of violent disorder and three for assault on police. The youngest is a 16-year-old boy, 11 suspects are aged between 19 and 26, one is a 30-year-old man and the oldest is a 45-year-old man.
A spokesman said police awaited confirmation of the age of one suspect and whether any of those arrested were female.
Of the 15 held, 14 had been bailed to return to London police stations on dates in early July pending further enquiries including a full review of CCTV footage. A 24-year-old man remained in custody having been arrested on suspicion of assault
A spokesman for The Royal British Legion said: 'This senseless act could not have been more inappropriately timed. This weekend we commemorate those who fought and died for the freedom to have elections and the freedom to enjoy the lives we have today.'
A special VE Day Concert is planned to take place this evening, just yards from where the anarchists desecrated the £800,000 memorial.
A Downing Street spokeswoman condemned the hate mob's actions. 'Spraying graffiti on war memorials is a despicable display of disrespect for those who fought and died for their country, particularly at a time when the whole nation comes together to commemorate the 70th anniversary of VE Day.' 
Former Commons speaker Betty Boothroyd also joined the condemnation of the attack. She said: 'This is an absolute insult to the memory of thousands of women of my generation who sweated blood and tears for the freedoms that some members of this generation have abused by this act. 
'The vandals who attacked the memorial are beyond contempt. They talk of scum - they should look in the mirror.' 
However, left-wing writer and activist Laurie Penny confirmed that she did not have a problem with the attack on the memorial commemorating the sacrifice of women during the Second World War. 
In a series of Tweets, Ms Penny said: 'I don't have a problem with his. The bravery of past generations does not oblige us to be cowed today.
'The people vandalising of memory of what the women of World War II fought for are sitting in Downing Street right now. 
'What is disgusting is that some people are more worried about a war memorial than the destruction of the welfare state.'
A group calling itself The People's Assembly planned to meet up in Whitehall at 1pm to protest against Thursday's election result which seen David Cameron returned to office with a clear Commons majority. 
The mob chanted 'get the Tories out' as large sections of the city were shut down as a result of the demonstration. 
Some of the protesters brandished highly offensive home-made banners proclaiming F*** The Cuts', while others described the Conservative Party as Tory Scum. 
Protesters threw bottles, cans and smoke bombs at the police. Scuffles broke out when the demonstrators, blaring hooters, banging pots and chanting obscenities, confronted lines of police outside the gate protecting the Prime Minister's official residence. 
Some protesters handed out flyers claiming: 'Parliament is no longer our priority, our priority is survival. A Tory majority is a declaration of war.' 

inister elements of the crowd were wearing full balaclavas and dressed in black to avoid being identified at a later stage
As well as riot officers, the police were forced to deploy mounted units in an effort to control the increasingly tense situationĀ 
As well as riot officers, the police were forced to deploy mounted units in an effort to control the increasingly tense situation 
Earlier in the day, the protest was peaceful with demonstrators holding home-made posters and placards complaining about the election
Earlier in the day, the protest was peaceful with demonstrators holding home-made posters and placards complaining about the election
An injured female police officer was helped by colleagues away from the fray outside the Downing Street gatesĀ 
An injured female police officer was helped by colleagues away from the fray outside the Downing Street gates

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