Monday 1 June 2015

caused outrage on Tuesday for pouring a supposed $20,000 bottle of Ace of Spades champagne into a hot tub in the “Feeling Myself” video. As Gossip Copreported, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj released the video on Monday, but now fans are upset that the singer seemingly wasted the expensive bottle, noting that what she allegedly spent for it could have been used to help a lot of people in need.
“Even just $1000 could have completely changed someone’s life you know? Like a chance at college or maybe finally being able to eat lunch,” wrote a Twitter user with the name “Xnejana.” She continued, “So seeing Beyoncé pour out a $20000 bottle into a pool is a slap in the face to me.” Twitter user “Jcons2121″ tweeted, “she could have also donated 20,000 to starving children. Priorities I guess.” Another fan with the Twitter name “Literallycondom” posted that he understands a celebrity “blowing money when ur first successful… but what that 1 bottle cost could literally change people’s lives.”
Some fans, however, stood up for Beyoncé, pointing out that she has done a lot for the less fortunate. Twitter user “Shadyzayngirl” tweeted, “well, the other day she visited Haiti because she wanted to learn more about humanitarian activities.” And another fan with the name “TheOstin” simply noted, “when someone asks where I wanna be in the future I just show them the scene where beyonce poures a $20K bottle of champagne into the hot tub.”
Beyonce has yet to comment on the controversy. What do you think about the backlash surrounding Beyonce pouring out a

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